Friday, August 12, 2011

Michele Bachmann's Newsweek Cover is Out!

MBachmannNewsweek.jpg​We have obtained a very high-resolution copy of Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann's upcoming Newsweek cover. As you can see, the resolution is so high we had to crop out a lot of the image. The issue, which hits newsstands this week, features a profile on Bachmann titled, "The Queen of Rage," with the subhead, "Michele Bachmann on God, the Tea Party, and the evils of government." Full, high-resolution image after the jump!


Newsweek's Michele Bachmann Cover Raises Eyebrows

Newsweek's latest issue features a Michele Bachmann cover that's sure to stir up controversy.
The cover shows Bachmann standing against a stark blue background, looking directly into the camera with a wide-eyed expression. The headline advertising the magazine's story reads, "THE QUEEN OF RAGE."
"Rage" is a word that doesn't appear in Newsweek's actual profile of Bachmann, though author Lois Romano does criticize what she calls the "radical" nature of the Tea Party that Bachmann champions.
Conservative websites are already crying foul over the cover, with some saying it makes Bachmann look "crazy" and one blogger asking, "Can anyone really say with a straight face that the mainstream media is not totally biased against conservatives?"
It's not the first time Newsweek has faced conservative backlash for a cover. In June, the magazine portrayed Mitt Romney as one of the stars of the Broadway show "The Book of Mormon." And, of course, it drew widespread criticism for its infamous Sarah Palin cover in 2009.
See the Bachmann cover below, and tell us whether you think it crosses a line.

Celebrity Friday: Li Na Now World's Richest Female Athlete

Li Na, the 2011 French Open champion and 2011 Australian Open finalist, has supplanted 2011 Wimbledon finalist Maria Sharapova as the player with the most lucrative endorsement contracts, and is now considered to be the most highly paid female athlete in the world.

News reports say that Li has signed $42 million dollars in endorsement contracts, compared to the $24 million that Sharapova has. But, Sharapova's total is her annual haul last year, while Li's total is the amount she will earn in the next three years. For Li to really overtake Sharapova the Russian player would have to have some of her endorsement contracts expire and not be replaced (which frankly, is likely).

It will be interesting to see if Petra Kvitova is able to cash in on her 2011 Wimbledon victory.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Romney Thinks "Corporations Are People"

Quote of the Day (8/12/11) (William Blake Weeks)

Opposition is true Friendship.
--William Blake, A Memorable Fancy (The Marriage of Heaven and Hell)

UPSET #2! Tsonga Beats Federer 2nd Time In A Row!

The day after the tennis world was stunned by Rafael Nadal losing his first match played in nearly 5 weeks a second thunderbolt is reverberating from the news that Roger Federer lost to Jo-Wilfried Tsonga for the second consecutive time today. The score was 7-6(3) 4-6 6-1.

Novak Djokovic showed why he is the new World #1 by increasing to 50 wins and one loss for the season by defeating Marin Cilic 7-5 6-3.

This is just more evidence that the end of the tennis era dominated by Federer and Nadal is coming to an end, perhaps sooner than we think.

FOOD REVIEW: Chico's Restaurant (Highland Park in Los Angeles)

One of my favorite dishes are the Shrimp Tacos at Chico's Family Restaurant in Highland Park. They cost $3.75 each and are full of grilled shrimp, grilled onions and peppers and have slices of avocado and sprinkles of parsley on them. They are served on two corn tortillas each and radishes and lime are offered as garnishes.

I have had some of the other tacos at Chico's and they are okay, but the shrimp tacos are increible. If you are in the Highland Park area I strongly recommend you stopping buy and trying Chico's Shrimp Tacos! (Here's a hint, you can call ahead and they'll be ready to go in 10 minutes.)

Location: 100 North Avenue 50, Los Angeles, CA 90042.
Contact: 323-254-2445.
Visit: August 10, 2011.

FOOD: A+. 

OVERALL: A- (3.917/4.0)

"Time Wounds All Heels"

This famous reformulation by the great psychologist Abraham Maslow came to mind again today when I watched (and very much enjoyed), for the first time since its original release, Milos Foreman's The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996)

At its end, I was reminded that the Charles Keating who prosecuted Flynt back in Cincinnati and supported Jerry Falwell when Flynt beat the fat pastor before the Supreme Court was the same scumbag at the heart of the Savings and Loan meltdown (which cost the American people $2 billion).

Time wounds all heels.

Spoiler alert: We like spoilers!

Spoiler alert: We like spoilers!

SHOCK! Nadal Loses 2nd Consecutive Match

World #2 Rafael Nadal lost his second match in a row for the first time since 2009 when he went down 1-6 6-7(5) 6-7(5) against Croatian Ivan Dodig at the Rogers Masters tournament in Quebec. World #3 Roger Federer, who turned 30 years old on Monday August 8, and World #1 Novak Djokovic both won their first matches since Wimbledon easily in straight sets.

Djokovic improved to a stratospheric 49-1 for the year, having won 7 titles including the Australian Open (d. Murray) and Wimbledon (d. Nadal) while Federer is at 40-9 with only one title but also one very important victory over Djokovic (at the French Open). Next up for Federer is Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, who eliminated him in the Wimbledon quarterfinals this year.

World #4 Andy Murray also lost his first match back, despite winning this title the last 2 years in a row. Still in the tournament are Juan Martin del Potro, Tomas Berdych and Gael Monfils.

The Duchess of Alba and The Priest That Loved Her

The Duchess of Alba marries Jesus Aguirre while her eldest son, the Duke of Huescar, looks on.

As we continue to commemorate the recently-announced marriage of Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart y Solis, 18th Duchess of Alba to Alfonso Diez, a "civil servant", the present is a convenient time to take a look back at the last (second) marriage of the duchess, which was to a former priest named Jesus Aguirre in 1978.  As we know, the duchess's first husband, Pedro Luis Martinez de Irujo had passed away in 1972, and the duchess took six years to make it to the altar with the fallen priest that she loved and who seemed to love her.  At this point (in 1978), the Duchess had begun to acquire a bit of the look that she has carried with her to the present: large, afro-like shock of red hair as coiffure, and subtle smile to her closed-lipped, drawn in face.  The second marriage of the duchess took place in her primary Madrid residence, the Palacio de Liria, a sumptuous palace museum in the center of town.  The duchess remained married to Jesus Aguirre until his death in 2001.  At that point, the duchess had been married to her two husbands for a total of 48 years (1947-1972 and 1978-2001).   As can be discerned from the picture below, the duchess's family assisted in the private wedding with Aguirre at the Palacio de Liria, but it seems that, with the present family opposition to Mr. Diez, they shall not be assisting at her forthcoming marriage.  Oh well.  She has plenty of time to make another visit to Dr. Chop-en-Stein, elite plastic surgeon to the mentally numb, fickle, and vain, while she attempts to sort things out with her sons.

Click image to enlarge

"A fallen priest is the perfect husband because he can explain to me what the fuck is going on when we go to Mass!  Me gusta!"

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Quote of the Day (8/11/11) (William Blake Weeks)

Without contraries is no progression. Attraction and repulsion, reason and energy, love and hate, are necessary to human existence.
--William Blake, The Argument to The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

Kill All the Atheists

This Andrew Sullivan post highlights why I keep being an atheist to myself, Twitter, my blog, classes.

Chilean President Offers Civil Unions Bill

Great news from South America. The President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, has introduced legislation to legalize same-sex civil unions.

AFP reports:

"All forms of marriage deserve respect, dignity and the support of the state," said President Sebastian Pinera, who signed the proposal and sent it to Congress.
"This puts opposite-sex and same-sex couples on the same footing, because in both cases it is possible to develop love, affection and respect."
Pinera, who brought conservatives to power after 20 years of center-left rule in the country, grated on his own election campaign when he announced his intention to legalize civil unions for gay couples. He said two million people in Chile live together without marrying.
But the president has repeatedly stressed his opposition to gay marriage.
"I deeply believe that marriage is by nature between a man and a woman, but that conviction does not prevent me from recognizing that other forms of affective relationships exist," he said.
The law would permit gay couples who join into a civil union to have access to inheritance and other social benefits.
Chile is reportedly 80% Catholic and did not legalize divorce until 2004(!). However, Argentina is next door and legalized marriage equality for same-sex coupes in July 2010.

More Analysis Of Zombie Anti-Gay Sodomy Laws

Sodomy laws, or state statutes which criminalized sexual contact between people of the same sex were some of the most pernicious aspects of anti-LGBT discriminatory practices that negatively impacted the civil rights of LGBT Americans.

The 2003 Supreme Court decision Lawrence v Texas basically ended the era of legal gay apartheid but there are 18 states which, today, 8 years later, still have sodomy laws on their books.

MadProfessah noted that Mother Jones discussed this curiosity last April and now Equality Matters and other LGBT media outlets are starting to take notice.

Michele Bachmann's Newsweek Cover

This is why they call her "Crazy Eyes." Here are the out-takes that Newsweek considered.

UPDATE 08/10/2011 8:37AM:
Another reason they call her crazy is her endorsement of people who say crazy things like "Slavery, as it operated in the pervasively Christian society which was the old South, was not an adversarial relationship founded on racial animosity. In fact, it bred on the whole, not contempt, but, over time, mutual respect."

MTV's Teen Wolf Episode 11 Recap: El Werewolf

"Get the tranquilizer gun, sweetie, this Big Bad Wolf looks like a lot of fun!"

I just didn't have the energy to watch a bunch of teenagers and pretend-teenagers try their hardest not to fuck up their lines yesterday so I didn't get around to watching the latest episode of MTV's Teen Wolf until today, before I go to work and try my hardest not to fall asleep in the middle of doing my job.  In last week's episode, Allison and her very butch aunt with the big boobs managed to capture Derek, who like Scott, spends most of his time with his shirt off for some reason (I wonder why?).  Allison has begun to discover the truth: that there are werewolves running around their quaint, storybook Northern California community.  They have captured one of the betas (Derek) and now it is time to go after protagonist Scott.  Meanwhile Scott awakens in the veterinary office where he works (also shirtless).  You get the idea.  And did you know that werewolves, in addition to having a serious problem with silver bullets, also do not like "mountain ash"?  So when the werewolf apocalypse comes, make sure to stock up, unless you are a teenage girl (or a male resident of San Francisco, especially the Castro area) and the idea of being ravished by a werewolf sounds pretty freaking awesome.  Schwing!  And if you were wondering if there is a liberal agenda at work in this show (which I actually don't have a problem with, frankly) there definitely is, for example when Jackson tells Scott and Stiles to "Better yet... screw each other."  O...okay.

"This is my happy face."

"I'll kill you if you set me free.  Set me free."  [A line from a classic novel.  Hint: It rhymes with The Mast Lunicorn]

"Another Gossip Girl marathon!  NOOOOOOOOO!"

"Isn't it time for me to come out of the closet yet?"

"Does it feel good when I touch you there?"

Cayetana Is At It Again: Duchess of Alba To Marry Gigolo

"Do I tengo el tiempo to go to el Doctor Chop-en-Stein antes de mi WEDDING?"

And by "gigolo" I mean "civil servant" because if you are the direct descendant of the Stuart Kings of Scotland and England a "civil servant" is really scraping the bottom of the barrel.  She might as well have married the stable boy or the chimney sweep (Yes, I realize that a "chimney sweep" is an essentially British reference).  Let's just be honest.  But Cayetana Fitz-James-Stuart, 18th Duchess of Alba and Grandee of Spain (in addition to 45 other titles) has never been one to follow the rules, the latest trends, perhaps, but not the rules.  Just look at her.  Her Excellency is doing her utmost to give Jocelyn Wildenstein (AKA the Bride of Wildenstein) a run for her money in the plastic surgery department.  But somehow the Duchess of Alba is able to pull off her surgeries with a measure of grace that one might expect from a royal descendant.  Before I am accused of pandering to the royals and aristocrats like an on-the-make Edwardian rake, how often do we get to see an actual blue blood do to their face what the Duchess of Alba has done to her own?

A ravishing Duchess of Alba with her fallen priest/second husband, Jesus Aguirre.  Take that, fucking Catholicos!

Although the Duchess of Alba has been linked to numerous people throughout the years (the ubiquitous flamenco dancers, matadors, etc.), I was surprised to be reminded that this is only her third marriage.  Mentally, I had given her an extra two or three, but I suppose I was confusing her with Elizabeth Taylor.  Her first marriage, of course, was to another aristocrat, Luis Martinez de Irujo, in 1947.  Her second marriage was the stuff of which 70s TV movies, telenovelas, and pillow books are made of: Her Excellency entered into blessed union with a former priest, the aptly named Jesus Aguirre.  As controversial as the marriage was at the time, the two seemed smitten with one another in wedding photographs and of course, it was de rigeur in the 70s to go against the grain and who would the duchess be if she did not follow the latest trends?  Now, the Duchess of Alba is set to marry Alfonso Diez, who comes in at a sprightly 61 years old to her (gasp) 85.  Well, she looks good for 85.  Details are still forthcoming, but perhaps, like the duchess's first marriage, this boda will take place in Seville, amidst the stifling idiocy of the other grandees of Spain.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Quote of the Day (8/10/11) (William Blake Weeks)

For Mercy has a human heart,
Pity, a human face,
And Love, the human form divine,
And Peace, the human dress.
--William Blake, The Divine Image, st. 3

The Doctor Returns

New poster promoting Part II of Doctor Who Season 6 (which returns on my birthday).

Voice Recognition

Joyce is often shocked at my (admitted) inability to recognize/remember faces, but I am wired with very good voice recognition. Watching ads, I often surprise her by identifying the voice of Jon Hamm (Mercedes-Benz) or Jeff Bridges (Duracell) or Michael C. Hall (Dodge).

A couple of weeks ago I listened to a Studio 360 "American Icons" on Monticello, and I knew right off that actor David Strathern was the voice of Thomas Jefferson. The end credits confirmed I was right.

Captain America Denies Steroid Abuse

Actually, the funniest part of this is Namor: The Sub-Mariner in his green scaly panties.  This is freaking hysterical and timed perfectly with the release of Captain America: The First Avenger!  (via Topless Robot)

Gavin DeGraw Jumped In East Village

I realize that the East Village/Lower East Side area is a lot nicer now than it once was, but you still have to be careful, Gavin.  According to the New York Post, Gavin was walking through the East Village last night at 4AM when he was attacked by a group of thugs, that apparently, did not steal his wallet.  I guess they didn't realize who he was...  I don't know.  Although all of the things I have heard about Gavin make him seem like the King of Douchebagia (that's the homeland of douchebags for those of you bad at geography), and I hate the appellation "blue-eyed soul" because it sounds stupid, I still am a fan of a couple of his songs.  Namely: "I Don't Wanna Be" and "In Love With a Girl", even though I realize that this leaves me open to practically universal ridicule.  Obviously, I am not happy to hear that Gavin got his nose broken and is now in (shudder) Bellevue Hospital, but I am curious to know what the real story is.  What was he doing in the East Village at 4AM?  Was he banging a "chick" in that neighborhood (and by chick I mean a guy named "Bruce")?  I have to know!  (NY Post via dlisted)

Gavin: "Who the hell is Kristin Cavallari?  Oh, she's standing right next to me?  Whoops."

CA Joins Plan To Kill Electoral College

This is excellent news! Governor Jerry Brown has signed a bill to add California's 55 electoral votes to an interstate compact which says that the state's electoral votes will only go for the winner of the nationwide popular vote. Once states with 270 electoral votes have enacted this legislation, it would effectively make the electoral college irrelevant.

This would have the effect of making every vote of every person in the country have
equal weight, since each vote equally affects the outcome of
the national popular vote, which would determine the winner of
the presidential election.

With California's addition, there are now states with 132 electoral
votes in the interstate compact, about half-way to the needed total of 270.
Anything which makes sure we never have another Bush v Gore situation I am in favor of!

My EGSO Conference Keynote

‘Verses: The Creation and Destruction of Television’s Imaginary Worlds

MTSU English Graduate Student Organization (EGSO) Conference, September 24th, 2011: "Fairy Tales, Myths, and Legends."

What If ? . . . "Falling Skies"

The Noah Wylie character--Tom Mason, IRL a history professor--rallies the troops in the Falling Skies S1 finale with a speech about the Revolutionary War.

What if the writers had made him, say, a freshman composition instructor? Different show?

Basketball Wives Season 3, Episode 10: A Few Fries Short Of A Happy Meal

"These are the only facial expressions our plastic surgeons allow us to make."

Last night's episode of Basketball Wives was easily the most bipolar in the show's history, if not in reality television history.  The finale jumped from a mash-up of some of the highlights of previous episodes (with quite a lot of Suzie acting like she's still on the short bus on her way to school), to a huge fight between Evelyn and Chad, and Jennifer's soon-to-be ex Eric Williams talking about he's the real "Basketball Wife" (which didn't really make any sense, and that Jennifer Williams is only relevant because of him (which is entirely true).  By the way Jen, Eric wants his name back.  We didn't see too much of Royce and Tami in this episode, but we did get to see a snippet in which Royce made the comment that Jen was "a few fries short of a Happy Meal" which I swear I have to integrate into my vocabulary from now on.  Of course, the major event of the episode was the much-anticipated Divorce Party for Jennifer Williams.  Jen got the cake she wanted, which consisted of Jen carrying the head of a decapitated Eric.  Do I need to say that I am sad that the season is over (because I am)?  With every ending comes a new beginning and it will be interesting to see which characters come back next season (I am guessing that Meeka, and possibly Royce will not be among them).  It does not pay to be on Shaunie O'Neal's bad side Royce, since she pulls the purse strings.  See you at the reunion special!

"If this bitch goes near my blue contacts...."

Kelly Rowland Shows World Why She's Better Than Beyonce

Top that, Beyonce.  Even my weave is better than yours!  Image credit WENN

...and the answer is: she has better nipples.  Why hasn't Beyonce shown us hers yet?  Are they only worthy of the eyes of Jay Z?  Why is he so special?  At a performance in New Jersey a couple of days ago (of course it had to be Jersey), the sister forced to be in a girl group she did not want to be a part of, Kelly Rowland, gave the audience a peak at her fun-cicles, or in the words of Mike K of Dlisted her: "House of Dareolas".  Too funny.  I don't know.  I guess it's true that Michelle Williams is the good one.  She's the one you take home to Momma.  It seems that Kelly had no intention of showing us her surgical scars nipples, but what was she expecting wearing an outfit like that?  Even Mother Teresa would have a wardrobe malfunction dressed like that.  God rest her soul.  Sheesh!  See the teeny tiny nipples here!  (via dlisted)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Quote of the Day (8/9/11) (William Blake Weeks)

To Generalize is to be an Idiot. To Particularize is the Alone Distinction of Merit — General Knowledges are those Knowledges that Idiots possess.
--William Blake, Annotations to Sir Joshua Reynolds's Discourses, pp. xvii–xcviii (c. 1798–1809)

Gold, Aliens

This quote from an All Things Considered story on the "gold rush" today:

If we're ever invaded by aliens, I don't know if they would take gold. But almost everyone else will. . . . (Harvard's Ken Rogoff)

caught my attention, having just seen Cowboys and Aliens. The nasty monsters defeated by a coalition of willing cowboys, Native Americans, and men in black hats are gold prospectors (and world destroyers). They would take gold, Professor Rogoff, and the planet, too, thank you.

Bachmann and the South

This is from Benjy Sarlin's "Michele Bachmann’s Radical Reading List" (Talking Points Memo):

Earlier in her political career, Bachmann recommended a biography of Robert E. Lee by J. Steven Wilkins on her State Senate campaign site under "Michele's Must Read List."

In it Wilkins describes the Civil War as a holy conflict between the godly South and heathen North and writes that "most southerners strove to treat their slaves with respect and provide them with a sufficiency of goods for a comfortable, though--by modern standards--spare existence" and that the institution bred "mutual esteem" between races as slaves adopted Christianity. Bachmann recently came under fire for signing onto a social conservative pledge that suggested African Americans families were better off under slavery (she and the group subsequently disavowed the language.)

"Newsweek"'s Bachmann Cover

Click on the image to see a larger version, in which her craziness becomes more apparent.

Eye Candy: Philip Fusco (3rd time)

Philip Fusco has been featured Eye Candy two times before (February 9, 2009 and August 10, 2009). He is a well-known model and widely acknowledged as one of the best-looking guys on the web. Now, 23-years-old, Philip says he has been working out since the age of 14 and has his own popular blog where you can see many, many more pictures of this hottie.You can also follow him on Twitter. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Quote of the Day (8/8/11) (William Blake Weeks)

Reason, or the ratio of all we have already known, is not the same that it shall be when we know more.
--William Blake, There Is No Natural Religion(1788)


This evening I have Tweeted for the first time since 2009.

In San Francisco

Drove up to SF for a few days...

Yossarian's Complaint Against God in "Catch-22"

Good God, how much reverence can you have for a Supreme Being who finds it necessary to include such phenomena as phlegm and tooth decay in His divine system of creation? What in the world was running through that warped, evil, scatological mind of His when He robbed old people of the power to control their bowel movements? Why in the world did he ever create pain? ... Oh, He was really being charitable to us when He gave us pain! [to warn us of danger] Why couldn't He have used a doorbell instead to notify us, or one of His celestial choirs? Or a system of blue-and-red neon tubes right in the middle of each person's forehead. Any jukebox manufacturer worth his salt could have done that. Why couldn't He? ... What a colossal, immortal blunderer! When you consider the opportunity and power He had to really do a job, and then look at the stupid, ugly little mess He made of it instead, His sheer incompetence is almost staggering. ...

Tip of the hat to Andrew Sullivan for posting this.

"Telegenic" at One

I missed a birthday. Telegenic, the column on TV I write for CST Online, is now over a year old.

The first one was finished July 4, 2010, and I have now done sixteen in all (counting the next) and 25,201 words in all (not counting the next one).

I can't thank Kim Akass, the CST Online webmistress, enough for her excellent work in putting these on the website.

Here's the whole list:

“The State of the American Sitcom (1): Modern Family” (coming in August 2011).

“The State of the American Sitcom (1): 30 Rock” (July 2011)

“The State of the American Sitcom (1): The Big Bang Theory” (June 2011)

“The State of the American Sitcom (1): How I Met Your Mother” (June 2011)

“The State of the American Sitcom (1): Community” (May 2011)

Big Fish” (May 2011)

The ‘Television is Better Than the Movies” Meme” (April 2011)

Infinite Impossibilities?” (March 2011)

What’s My Motivation?: The Method Goes Fantastic in Television Acting" (March 2011)

The Naughty, the Blasphemous, and American Television” (March 2011)

Series/Season/Show” (February 2011)

Sarah Palin Meets Seinfeld: Politics and American Television” (November 2010)

"The Ephebe of Television” (October 2010)

Bad Quality: Breaking Bad as Basic Cable Quality TV” (September 2010)

God, Death, and Pizza: Supernatural and the Death of God” (August 2010)

Thinking Inside the Box: Heisenberg’s Indeterminancy Principle, the Paradox of Schrödinger’s Cat, and Television” (July 2010)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Quote of the Day (8/7/11) (Karl Kraus Week II)

When the end of the world comes I want to be living in retirement.
--Karl Kraus

Update on Brandon McInerney Gay Hate Crime Trial

The murder trial of Brandon McInerney is continuing in Chatsworth and there have been some explosive testimony since last we checked in. 14-year-old McInerney, now 17, fatally shot his 15-year-old classmate Lawrence (Leticia) King twice in the head on February 12, 2008 when both boys attended E.O. Green Junior High School in Ventura County, California. McInerney is being tried as an adult (which I do not agree with) and is being charged with first-degree murder in a trial that began July 5, 2011.

The latest revelations are that Brandon McInerney was apparently repeatedly physically and sexually abused by his father.
Brandon McInerney was molested by a relative as a boy, a family secret that his older half brother didn't learn until two weeks after McInerney shot a gay classmate to death in February 2008, the half brother told jurors in a Chatsworth courtroom Wednesday.
James Bing testified that McInerney’s father cried hysterically as he revealed the molestation that occurred when Brandon was about 9 years old.
The older McInerney was upset because the family had dealt with the problem internally, sending the relative away for years, instead of reporting it to police and getting Brandon help, Bing told the courtroom.
McInerney’s father, who is now dead, believed the memory of the molestation was what caused his son to react so violently when Larry King began dressing like a girl and flirting with McInerney at their Oxnard junior high school, Bing said.
When McInerney’s father died in 2009, coroner's officials found alcohol and drugs in his system. Bing said his stepfather was frequently high on drugs and was sadistic.
He once put soap into a sock and beat the boys with it for an offense that later turned out to have been committed by someone else, Bing testified.
Billy McInerney poured Tabasco sauce down's the boys' throats when they were sleeping and would pull down their pants in front of their friends, disparaging the size of their genitals, Bing said.
"He was a mean, nasty person,'' Bing said.
How convenient that the alleged sexual molestation was never reported to anyone else outside the family so it will be different to corroborate. James Bing is Brandon McInerney's half-brother (same father different mother) and is the person speaking in the video given at the top of this post. If I were a juror I would take the testimony of a family member of the accused with more than a grain of salt.

What would you b willing to tell the court if a member of your extended family was accused of a crime for which they faced 53 years to life in prison if found guilty?

LA County Settles Police Brutality Case For $650K

The 5-member Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a settlement of $650,000 to Erick Hoxey and his girlfriend Shatwan Smith in response to a civil lawsuit which charged outrageous behavior by Los Angeles County Sherriff officials during an April 2008 incident in Compton.

The Los Angeles Times covers the story:
On trial for allegedly assaulting two Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies, Erick Hoxey took the witness stand in his own defense and told jurors it was the other way around.

He said he was waiting in his car outside a Compton apartment building where his girlfriend was making an appointment to braid a little girl's hair, when deputies pulled up. After asking him a few questions, Hoxey said they inexplicably yanked him out of the car, punched him and struck him with a flashlight before pepper-spraying his eyes and inside his mouth.

Then, he said, one grabbed him by the hair and slammed his head twice against the pavement.

The prosecutor, troubled by the young man's testimony, cut him off suddenly and asked the judge for a recess. When he returned an hour and a half later, the prosecutor announced that all charges were being dropped.

On Tuesday, two years after the criminal case fizzled, the county agreed to pay Hoxey, now 24, and his girlfriend $650,000.

The payout comes despite the Sheriff's Department defending the deputies' conduct in arresting Hoxey, his girlfriend, Shatwan Smith, and a bystander who came to their aid during the April 2008 altercation.

According to Deputies Samuel Orozco and Scott Giles, they were on patrol when they spotted Hoxey driving with his seatbelt off. The deputies said Hoxey was immediately aggressive, cursing at them, before reaching under his leg for what they believed was a handgun. The deputies unlocked the car door and pulled Hoxey out of the vehicle. The young man then spun around and took a swing at them, according to the deputies' account. Hoxey continued to fight back, the deputies said, while his girlfriend ran out from the apartment building and began hitting them too.

Although the deputies said they believed Hoxey was armed with a gun, no weapon was recovered. Deputy Orozco testified that a woman at the scene, who did not identify herself because she feared retribution, told him that she saw a man run and grab something from the car, presumably the weapon.

The couple, and the bystander who interceded and pleaded with the deputies to stop, denied the deputies were assaulted.

After hearing the conflicting testimony about the incident, the L.A. County district attorney's office abandoned its prosecution of Hoxey and Smith.

Deputy Dist. Atty. Eric Siddall said in a deposition that Hoxey's testimony "made me think that there was reasonable doubt in the case."

The couple's civil attorney, Glen Jonas, accused the deputies of framing Hoxey on charges of resisting arrest and drug possession and Smith of resisting arrest and assault. Giles said he found a cocaine rock in Hoxey's car, while he and other deputies were searching the vehicle.

"It ruined their lives," Jonas said of the ordeal. He said Smith, who was a student at UC San Diego at the time, "was so distraught over being falsely prosecuted that she couldn't concentrate in school…her grades fell and ultimately she wasn't able to stay in school."

During the trial, Orozco's past on-duty behavior was also scrutinized in testimony from residents in the area who said they had run-ins with him. One woman said he used the N-word against her. Another testified that she'd also been roughed up by Orozco, booked and was eventually acquitted.

Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore declined to comment on specific allegations but said the department maintains the couple was resisting arrest. "This settlement is not an admission of wrongdoing," he said. "Deputies don't make stuff up, the hope is, and we contend they did not fabricate anything."
I don't usually include such an extensive excerpt from a newspaper story but one really needs to see all the paragraphs that I have included in order to draw your own conclusions about what really happened*. Two Sheriff deputies see a Black guy sitting in a car and decide to rough him up for some bizarre reason only known to themselves. They start beating the crap out of him, then his girlfriend and a bystander come to the guy's defense.  Then the deputies have the gall to claim that the person that they assaulted was "resisting arrest" AND they claim the existence of a gun which is not found AND attempt to plant drugs in the vehicle. It reads like something out of FX's The Shield!
(That was a show starring Michael Chiklis as a rogue cop who basically takes the law into his own hands.)

The real hero of the piece is the Deputy District Attorney Eric Siddall who refused to condone the cops lying and when he realized what was going on, declined to perpetrate a fraud upon the court. I'm not convinced that $650,000 is enough money for the two people who were attacked by the very same people their own taxes pay to protect them and keep them safe. What is a reasonable price for violation of the public trust?

Another question is why do Samuel Orozco and Scott Giles still have jobs with Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and why hasn't the Los Angeles County District Attorney charged them with perjury?
Even the Sheriff's Department spokesperson says "Deputies don't make stuff up, the hope is." Really? Do you think this is some kind of joke?

 It is incredibly damaging to how all police officers are viewed and public safety overall if it appears that some officers of the court are getting away with activities that if they were just regular people would result in jail time. Police officers and sheriff's deputies (and elected officials) who are presumed to have the public trust should be held to a higher ethical standard than the general public. Even the appearance of hypocrisy is unacceptable.

*DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this blog posting should be construed as claiming any individual of having committed any criminal or civil offense.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Quote of the Day (8/6/11) (Karl Kraus Week II)

I trim my opponents to fit my arrows.
--Karl Kraus

Romney Pledges Heterosexual Supremacy

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney signed a pledge from the National Organization of Marriage to affirm his support for heterosexual supremacy in America. This entails:

  1. To support and send to the states for ratification a federal marriage amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
  2. To do vigorously what President Obama has refused to do: defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court.
  3. To appoint to the Supreme Court, and as his or her Attorney General, only those who support the original meaning of the Constitution and who will, therefore, not invent a right to gay marriage.
  4. To establish a presidential commission to investigate the increasing reports of harassment and threats to supporters of traditional marriage.
  5. And to give back to the people of D.C. the right already guaranteed in the Charter which Congress gave them: the right to vote on marriage via the referendum process.
Where to begin? I guess let's address them one at a time. The Federal Marriage Amendment didn't get out of the U.S. House of Representatives when the Republicans controlled the Presidency, the House and the Senate majority in July 2006 and popular support was below 50%. Why would anyone expect a measure to divorce the estimated 100,000 same-sex married couple in the country to be more successful in 2013? It takes a vote of 2/3rds of BOTH Houses of the Legislature and then ratification of 3/4 of the states to be enacted. In 220 years the document has been Amended 27 times, and 10 of those happened within the first 5 years. A federal marriage amendment is not going to happen!

The second item (to defend DOMA) is obvious, but by the time a Republican could become President on January 20, 2013, the Defense of Marriage Act may already have been struck down by multiple federal appellate courts and perhaps even the U.S. Supreme Court.

The fact that Romney, Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum signed the third item should mean they are immediately disqualified to serve as President. They are basically saying that they will have a particular litmus test for Supreme Court nominees (and Attorney General).

The fourth item is just sheer buffoonery. As the discriminatory position of heterosexual supremacists to envision a society in which heterosexuals have more civil rights than non-heterosexual becomes more and more a repulsive position to a greater majority of American voters, the supremacists have begun to claim that any opposition to their radical ideology in verbal or written form is "harassment" or "intolerance towards religion." The idea of a President Commission to explore harassment and threats to people who have been publicly calling for LGBT people to have less rights than other Americans is simply laughable.

The fifth item is just obnoxious. Marriage equality has been legal in the District of Columbia since March 4, 2010 after a measure was approved by a near-unanimous vote of its law-making body in December 15 2009. After filing multiple lawsuits in order to force a vote of the majority on the rights of the minority despite explicit provisions in the D.C. Charter which prevents such inimical actions, those attempts came to an ignominious end with a Supreme Court refusal to hear their appeal on January 18, 2011.

It should be interesting to see which other Republican presidential candidates are willing to sign NOM's pledge to heterosexual supremacy. I presume Rick Perry will be next in line to add his name to this foolishness.

Colbert on Marriage

Colbert acknowledged last night his "staunch opposition to human/elf marriage. It's Adam and Eve not Adam and Arwen."

The 10 Reality Shows That Defined Reality Television

"GTL, baby!"

This is a post I am happy to write.  Sometimes writing posts for this blog is like pulling teeth (...or undergoing a sex change operation without anesthesia.  Well, maybe not that bad...), but when I get to look back at all the time I have wasted watching reality television, or science fiction movies, or writing awful poetry and prose... it actually makes me happy.  Let's face it, we live in the generation of reality television.  It's hard to believe that only 18 years ago (back in 1992) Mary-Ellis Bunim and Jonathan Murphy created reality television as we know it with their iconic series The Real World.  We wouldn't have The Bachelor, The Apprentice, Brain-Damaged Beach Guidos and Guidettes.. I mean Jersey Shore, Big Brother, or any of that other stuff if it weren't for people with names like Heather B, Norman, and Rebecca who decided to live in a house together even though they were seven strangers picked to live in a house...  Because of them, we got to see Paula Abdul act stupid in front of millions of fans, Whitney Houston try desperately to conceal her drug addiction while cackling like a mad woman, Jessica Simpson confused by both buffalo wings AND tuna ("I don't get it.  Is it chicken or is it fish?  Why is it called 'Chicken of the Sea'?").  You get the idea.  It's hard to say if the influence of The Real World was beneficial for human civilization or malign, but all I know is that my life would not have been the same (sad, I know) if it were not for the following ten shows that defined American reality as we know it.

10. My Life On The D List:

"God damn eye doctors fucking with my eyes again!"

9. A Shot At Love With Tila Tequila:

"But what if I already have herpes?  Then everything's fine, right?"

8. Newlyweds with Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson:

"Nick, buffalos don't have wings!

7. The Ultimate Fighter:

"Um... I don't know how my hair ended up like this..."

6. The Hills:

"Why can't you just... support me!  You don't live in L.A., you live in the mountains!"

5. Jersey Shore:

Snooki creates her trademark "poof"

4. Being Bobby Brown:


3. Flavor of Love with Flavor Flav:

Flav dissed Tiffany not once, but twice!

2. I Love New York:

Tiffany's revenge.  "Stop lookin' at my tits, Buddha!  I know you want some, but damn!"

1. The Real World:

Heather B in the house!