Thursday, August 4, 2011

Henry Cavill Is Superman: Man of Steel

Most of you already knew that, but below is the first publicity image released by Warner Brothers (which owns DC Comics) for their upcoming film Man of Steel, which is a revamp of the Superman franchise (another one), which hopefully will not retell the Superman story AGAIN, like Amazing Spider-Man appears to retell the Spider-Man legend (do we really need to see Spider-Man get bit by a radioactive spider AGAIN?).  Which brings me to the subject of all the goddamn Brits taking iconic American roles (Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, etc.).  Even the bloody Green Lantern is Canadian now (Ryan Reynolds)!  Seriously?  Is there that severe of a dearth of American talent that we need to fill our roles with the denizens of Airstrip One?  I mean this in jest as I realize that something like twenty percent of the people that visit this horrible blog are Britons, but I hope you guys can understand how an American must feel to have all of these roles snapped up by Brits for no apparent reason at all.  That reminds me, even Thor is Australian!  (via Topless Robot)

Henry Cavill is Superman.  Click to enlarge.