Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Kelly Rowland Shows World Why She's Better Than Beyonce

Top that, Beyonce.  Even my weave is better than yours!  Image credit WENN

...and the answer is: she has better nipples.  Why hasn't Beyonce shown us hers yet?  Are they only worthy of the eyes of Jay Z?  Why is he so special?  At a performance in New Jersey a couple of days ago (of course it had to be Jersey), the sister forced to be in a girl group she did not want to be a part of, Kelly Rowland, gave the audience a peak at her fun-cicles, or in the words of Mike K of Dlisted her: "House of Dareolas".  Too funny.  I don't know.  I guess it's true that Michelle Williams is the good one.  She's the one you take home to Momma.  It seems that Kelly had no intention of showing us her surgical scars nipples, but what was she expecting wearing an outfit like that?  Even Mother Teresa would have a wardrobe malfunction dressed like that.  God rest her soul.  Sheesh!  See the teeny tiny nipples here!  (via dlisted)