Wednesday, August 3, 2011

MTV's Teen Wolf Episode 10 Recap: Testosterone Abounds

"Why the Hell is it always so dark in this locker room?"

Since I am sitting in Starbucks (again) and dealing with a crappy Wi-fi connection because of all the other dweebs (like myself) that are clogging up the Internets, I have to base my assessment of this episode on the few minutes that I was able to watch.  And let's be honest, most of you are here just because of the screengrabs and really couldn't give two sh*ts about what actually happened on the show.  What I do know is, teen wolf Scott ends up meeting the Alpha wolf in a darkened and empty locker room.  Obviously, the alpha is the wolf that turned Scott and possibly also Jackson (if he ends up becoming a werewolf, which I am sure he will); the alpha is also the uncle of Derek and the murderer of Derek's sister.  The show is still about as swishy as a Bruce Weber Abercrombie photoshoot in the mid-late 90s (mostly due to the heavily-skewed ratio of male to female characters in this show, and the fact that the male characters are shirtless at least once an episode), but there aren't any complaints yet as the show remains essentially PG-13.  As long as we don't see any simulated sex scenes (Skins, anyone?), the Parents Television Council (AKA The Sexually-Dissatisfied Middle-Aged Suburbanites of America Foundation) will keep quiet.  At this point, there is no question that MTV will bring Teen Wolf back for a second season so it is only a matter of how many accessory characters the writers can introduce to keep the story moving along.

"Do you need me to... um... lotion your back for you, bro?"

"Right here, on the hood of the car?  In broad daylight?"

"I'm the Alpha's main man, not you, Jackson."