Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Basketball Wives Episode 9 Recap: Bringing The Heat Back To Miami

It's hard to believe that this season of Basketball Wives is almost over but, not to worry, these hoes are like baseball, they play two seasons a year.  We never see the stuff we really want to see: the girls dishing about how their menstrual cycles are back in sync again as they get their weaves tightened, or how they get their earlobes enlarged so they can wear ridiculously garish earrings, but we see enough to feel (as the viewer) that the ladies are keeping it real.  Most of this week's episode (do you even want to know the details?) revolved around Jennifer Williams, future ex-wife of former Boston Celtics forward Eric Williams.  Jennifer only narrowly recovered from her fall-out with Evelyn (fake tears and all), and now she has to deal with her husband back in the picture causing drama.  Jennifer decides to dig up the drama with Royce, who has been tweeting/twatting/twittering/texting with Eric (and meeting with him on the DL) and Jennifer is "very much unhappy about that" (That's a line from 80s classic Video "Meeting in the Lady's Room", obviously).  Naturally, Jennifer sees this as a perfectly legit reason to start sh*t with Royce, because ignoring it and moving on with your newly single life (and all the joy that comes with that) is a complete impossibility.  No one seems to mind that Suzie is actually the one behind most of the gossip getting back to the person being talked about since Suzie is now on the good side of the "Mean Girls" (Evelyn, Jen, Shaunie).  Let's hope they stretch this season out to 12-14 episodes because I needs my Basketball Wives fix, just like I know you do.

"Why are you following my soon-to-be ex on Twitter?!"