Sunday, August 7, 2011

"Telegenic" at One

I missed a birthday. Telegenic, the column on TV I write for CST Online, is now over a year old.

The first one was finished July 4, 2010, and I have now done sixteen in all (counting the next) and 25,201 words in all (not counting the next one).

I can't thank Kim Akass, the CST Online webmistress, enough for her excellent work in putting these on the website.

Here's the whole list:

“The State of the American Sitcom (1): Modern Family” (coming in August 2011).

“The State of the American Sitcom (1): 30 Rock” (July 2011)

“The State of the American Sitcom (1): The Big Bang Theory” (June 2011)

“The State of the American Sitcom (1): How I Met Your Mother” (June 2011)

“The State of the American Sitcom (1): Community” (May 2011)

Big Fish” (May 2011)

The ‘Television is Better Than the Movies” Meme” (April 2011)

Infinite Impossibilities?” (March 2011)

What’s My Motivation?: The Method Goes Fantastic in Television Acting" (March 2011)

The Naughty, the Blasphemous, and American Television” (March 2011)

Series/Season/Show” (February 2011)

Sarah Palin Meets Seinfeld: Politics and American Television” (November 2010)

"The Ephebe of Television” (October 2010)

Bad Quality: Breaking Bad as Basic Cable Quality TV” (September 2010)

God, Death, and Pizza: Supernatural and the Death of God” (August 2010)

Thinking Inside the Box: Heisenberg’s Indeterminancy Principle, the Paradox of Schrödinger’s Cat, and Television” (July 2010)