Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Movin' On Up: Will Smith And Jada Pinkett Smith Show Off Malibu House

Actually, the original Will and Jada had their brains removed and replaced with a pair from a LOVELY white couple from New Canaan, CT

I think the tide is turning for this couple.  It's one thing to be beautiful and rich and happy, but it's something else entirely when you feel the need to shove how beautiful, rich, and happy you are down everyone else's throats.  Especially in this economy (That's my new catch phrase).  If seeing these two on the cover of Architectural Digest (a snooty interior design mag that really has nothing to do with architecture) wasn't bad enough, now we have to hear about how everything is organic and how the house was made entirely of hand-made bricks by Mexicans in the Yucatan or whatever.  I don't want to hear it.  You guys are still rich.  Can you justify why the Mexicans that made the bricks for your house are living in shanties and surviving on tortilla chips and jalapeno peppers while you guys live in a huge house in Malibu making money off of your children's fame (because we know that Willow and Jaden or whatever their names are are raking in more cash than their parents at this point)?  Can't you guys just fade into obscurity like Mia Farrow and Marlon Brando and all those other organic hippies?  There is something insidious about how we have to keep seeing and hearing about you.  Mark my words: The tide is turning.  We (read: Me) are tired of hearing about how perfect you are and how we should all be emulating you.

"Our house was built directly on top of the largest fault-line in California?  Say what now?

A few months ago, the Smiths were in the press going on about how they let their preteen children do whatever they want and they don't give them any rules because children are just small adults or some other bullsh*t like that.  Something about freedom and letting their kids be "free" or whatever.  You just know these two are Libertarians.  What happens when Willow meets the wrong group of people and decides to do a porno like Montana Fishbourne?  When that happens, you'll regret all that freedom.  Most people don't know what to do with freedom, especially not children.  Most kids will just play video games and eat candy and pizza all day if you let them and then next thing you know, you've got two 1400 pound life-size teletubbies sitting in your living room.  Amrite?  Obviously I don't want anything bad to happen to Willow, but I can't be alone in finding these people irritating.  And yes, I am easily irritated, but that's beside the point.