Sunday, July 24, 2011

Kris Humphries Throws Bachelor PARTAY in Vegas

...and, not to be outdone, fiance Kim Kardashian threw her own shindig as well.  I am beginning to think my hunch (that Kris Humphries is doing the dirty deed - that is, marrying Kim Kardashian in order to rocket himself to reality stardom) is true because I am already finding myself more interested in him that I am in her.  Obviously, it goes without saying that Kim is still a bigger famewhore since she crashed her own fiance's bachelor party, which is a really lame thing to do.  I still have my doubts that these two will actually make it to the altar, but we'll see what happens.  (via itsikespace)

"Awesome.  Someone is stabbing me in my nose on the cake.  That's... awesome..."

"I'm so sexy with stubble.  I'm... too sexy for my shirt.  Too sexy for my shirt..."

"You're spending the night, right, Scott?"

"What do you mean I wasn't invited to my fiance's bachelor party?  I'm Kim Fucking Kardashian, motha fucka!"

"Must... must get... must get to mouth wash.  Do not... do not want super-deadly Kim Kardashian mono!"

"Did you slip a truth serum into my drink?  Didn't you know I am immune to all poisons and potions?"

"Yeah, Kris didn't invite me either, but do I look like I care?"