Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hocchie Legal Scoop: Meeka Suing Tami From Basketball Wives

Ouch Town, population YOU, girlfriend

Like everyone else, I just assumed that there was a clause in any reality television show contract that says: "I will allow myself to get snuffed on National Television in order for the reality show of which I am a cast member to make money off of my broke, shameless ass."  ...but apparently that is not the case because Meeka Claxton (wife of retired NBA player Speedy Claxton) of Basketball Wives has sued basketball ex-wife (and former Real World: Los Angeles) cast member Tami Roman for assault.  According to TMZ, Meeka alleges Tami: "assaulted, battered, beat, threatened, menaced, attacked, jumped on, pushed to the ground, thrashed, punched, and shoved” her, which we know is true because there is public record of it as it was aired for all to see on National Television.  According to Crunk and Disorderly, Meeka is suing Tami for $12,500, which is the cost of a used Hermes birkin bag, and a complete joke.  Obviously, Meeka just wants publicity OR she wants Tami to have an assault charge on her record, which Tami deserves since she has basically been the center of 90% of the fights on this show (and that is not an overstatement).  Considering all of the plastic surgery that these women have had, the nature of this form of open-fisted punch renders it ridiculously dangerous.  It is completely possible that Tami could have shoved Meeka's nasal prosthesis up into her brain and killed the ho, which would have gotten Tami's behind thrown into a Federal penitentiary permanently.  In spite of the danger, this is possibly the awesomest reality show gif I have ever seen, so here it is for all of you to enjoy!  I especially appreciate how Suzie (the "Chinese" girl in the middle), looks like she's taking a nap and then wakes up.  (via Crunk and Disorderly, via dlisted)