Thursday, July 28, 2011

Kim Kardashian and Ass Go Shopping in L.A.

I'll be the first to admit that this isn't exactly newsworthy.  "Kim Kardashian and Ass Go Shopping in L.A." happened today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last month, on Christmas Eve, last year, the year before that... What IS interesting is to ponder what our obsession (or my obsession) with Kim Kardashian means exactly.  I have broached this subject before.  Should we smear Kim Kardashian's good name for catapulting to superstardom through a sex tape, a reality show where she manages to thin out multisyllabic words into monosyllables, the uncanny ability to appear devoid of any thought while pointing one's backside at a camera, and (possibly most egregiously of all) the way she foisted her entire family upon us without us realizing that she was doing it?  I mean, ensnaring professional athletes with your vagina tentacles is bad enough but now there are Americans, Britons, Canadians, etc. that can name every member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan and even draw diagrams showing three degrees of separation of the herpes virus between Brody Jenner and Lamar Odom.  Alright, that last one confused me to, but I'm sticking to my guns here.  Do not drag the Kim Kardashians of the world through the mud (they are already sullied as it is), but bemoan the society that produced them.  Kim Kardashians do not spring autochthonously (sp?) from the ground fully-equipped with a dozen plastic surgical procedures; society produces these people.  We live in a country that says (1) the most important thing in life is money, and (2) if you generate money for us (producers, agents, corporations, etc.) we will reward you with more money.  This is America, cholos and cholas.  It's all about the American dollar.  We outsource homeless shelters, prisons, schools: all to save money, a piece of paper invented by human beings.  Nothing else matters.  (Yes, I realize I went off on a tangent here, oh so sorry).

"This ass is all mine, guys.  I paid for it."

"Being rich is sooooo hard.  Do I look thoughtful, because that's the look I'm going for?"

"OMG, what's the paparazzi doing here?!"