Sunday, July 24, 2011

RIP, Amy Winehouse: Dead At Age 27

Amy knew when to let her hair down.

By now, you have all heard about this news, and everyone seems to be jumping the gun and assuming it was a drug overdose (which is not far-fetched considering how young she was and her previous history of drug abuse, which Ms. Winehouse documented in gross detail in her music).  But, according to dlisted, Scotland Yard is telling people that the autopsy is scheduled for tomorrow and that they should not jump the gun and assume that Amy's death was due to a drug overdose.  I have to admit that I was not the biggest Amy Winehouse (primarily because of one Halloween about five years ago when everyone and their mother decided to go dressed as her), but she was talented in her own way and it is sad when someone talented seems to be called away before their time.  For that reason I humbly say: Rest in Peace, Amy Winehouse!

"I love you, guys!"