Monday, February 28, 2011

Jwoww Celebrates Birthday in Vegas Sans Jersey Shore Castmates

Jennifer Farley, AKA Jwoww, was looking very plastic and robotic in Las Vegas yesterday as she celebrated her "25th birthday" at the aptly named Vanity Nightclub, within the Hard Rock Hotel.  Her BF Roger Williams (who has been on most of this season's episodes of the Shore) was there but there was not a guido, guidette, or gremlin in sight.  Not even the Gremlin XXL Deena Cortese was around and she shows up to everything.  Very interesting.  Has the cast turned on Jwoww or is the reality that none of these people are actually friends in real life?  (via Daily Mail)

Jwoww and Roger in Vegas.  Hate to nitpick (well, not really) but one of her implants looks a little higher than the other.  Admit it.  You see it, too

Bank Robbers Can Be Robots, Too

Thank you, baby Jesus, for The Daily What.  95% of my daily entertainment comes from this website.  In the clip below, a bank robber in China slowly uses an ax to break through a plate of bullet proof glass.  After what seems like an eternity, the police finally show up (although it only took about five or six minutes).  This gentleman should have spent more time calcuating how long he had to get the job done.  Didn't he see the movie Point Break?

L.A. TIMES Op Ed: "Same-sex weddings, now"

Today's Los Angeles Times runs an editorial in favor of ending the stay on Judge Vaughn Walker's ruling declaring Proposition 8 unconstitutional and calls for same-sex marriages to resume immediately while the legal wrangling at the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and California Supreme Court get settled.
Although the federal courts expedited their handling of the lawsuit challenging Proposition 8, the issues are far from resolved. And now that the California Supreme Court has been asked to weigh in, the case could be delayed for another year or more.

Enough already. Gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to wed while the case works its way through the system.

The state Supreme Court was asked by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to rule on whether supporters of Proposition 8 have the right — known as "standing" — to continue with their case. It indicated that it would hear arguments late this year, with a ruling likely to follow a few months later. Meanwhile, a stay pending the outcome of the appeal has kept gay weddings from going forward. Now, however, the lawyers challenging Proposition 8 have asked the 9th Circuit to lift the stay and allow the weddings to take place. We agree that it should.

Every day that the case drags on, gay and lesbian couples who would like to marry are being deprived of their civil rights. That's not our wording; the federal trial judge decided that issue, at least for now. The denial of constitutional rights, even temporarily, is a deplorable situation that must meet high legal standards to be allowed to continue. In our view, those conditions have not been met.

First, a stay should be issued only if there is a strong likelihood that the appealing party — in this case, the supporters of Proposition 8 — will prevail in court. Yet there are serious questions about whether they even have the standing to appeal, so the outcome is very uncertain. There are other factors the courts take into account when deciding whether to keep a stay in place. Those filing the appeal must show that they would be irreparably harmed if the stay were lifted; the courts also take into account where the public interest lies. During the trial, the supporters of Proposition 8 were unable to identify any harm that would befall them if same-sex weddings took place.

Certainly it would be messy if California were to resume performing wedding ceremonies for gay and lesbian couples, only to have to stop again when another ruling comes down. But there may be no other option. Right now, same-sex couples are being deprived of their constitutional right to marry, and every indication is that unless the stay is lifted, they'll have to keep waiting for more than a year. That is real harm, and there is no valid reason to allow it to continue.
I think it is unlikely that the Courts will agree to lift the stay, but I do agree that the harm to same-sex couples who would like to get married in California should not be discounted, especially  when it is looking increasingly likely that Proposition 8 will not survive judicial scrutiny.

Robot Movie of the Week: The Life of Oharu (February 27 - March 5)

Life of Oharu was distributed by Shintoho

The 40s through to the 60s was a Golden Age for Japanese Cinema: of course there are the Akira Kurosawa films which Westerners know and love, but these films represent only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what the genre offers to the viewer.  Many Westerners proclaim Kurosawa as the "greatest Japanese director" without being able to name any others and this is a disservice to the men and women who created what was and remains one of the most vibrant and powerful national cinemas in movie history.  The Life of Oharu, a product of director Kenji Mizoguchi, and starring Kurosawa favorite Toshiro Mifune (Sanjuro and Yojimbo) as well as Kinuyo Tanaka in the title role, is an important film to be aware of as it, for me, represents how a director or screenwriter can take a common motif and make it meaningful and memorable through exaggeration and high quality acting and artistic direction.

The Life of Oharu is the story of a young girl who unwittingly tosses aside her privileged life as a servant in the imperial palace and a daughter of a priest when she gives in to the love of a low-ranking man that adores her.  When she is discovered in amorous embrace with the young man, she and her family are exiled from the capital of Kyoto and the man is executed.  This begins what turns out to be one misfortune after another for Oharu as she is next sent to be the concubine of the great daimyo, Lord Matsudaira, and serves her function of bearing his heir, but is then tossed out of the palace because of jealousy on the part of the lord's wife.  Oharu next finds herself as a proud courtesan in the pleasure district, but when a swindler causes her to lose that position as well, she ends up eventually becoming a low class prostitute.  The most touching scene for me occurs when Oharu is being lead home after her failed stint as a courtesan and she hears a humble woman on the street corner playing a song on the shamisen.  Oharu gives her several gold ryo with the words, "You cannot be an ordinary person," recognizing that this woman was once someone proud and privileged like herself that has found herself in unfortunate circumstances.

Years later, Oharu responds to a summons from the new Lord Matsudaira (her son) and goes in the hopes of seeing him, but ends up being allowed only a glimpse of the young man along with a scathing reprimand for becoming a prostitute and embarrassing the clan. After further misfortune, Oharu finds herself as a humble Buddhist nun, a woman that no one would ever suspect had once lived among the "cloud dwellers", the imperial family and their courtiers.  The Life of Oharu represents the theme of the transience of life, as well as the tendency of overly-repressive and rigid societies to create multitudes of hopeless victims; yet, the film manages to be original enough that it is not only entertaining but very moving.  The film is recommended to anyone that appreciates period pieces, Japanese cinema, or quality films in general.

This Week's Celebrity Most Likely To Be A Robot: James Franco

Alright, although I did not expect him to win at the Oscars, I kind of feel bad for him, partially because the Oscar show is not being heralded as one of the best (I have to admit that I do not watch awards shows EVER, so this is all coming second hand).  So, in order to compensate Mr. Franco, we here at Robots in Masquerade (actually, it's just me) have decided to present him with our very-own award: This Week's Celebrity Most Likely To Be A Robot.  In case you were wondering, Mr. Franco, it's sort of like a Razzie.  Although your thespian abilities have improved over the years (Annapolis and Spider-Man come to mind), you are still very much qualified for this award by virtue of a history of leaden performances.  Don't worry though, we still love you even though you hate bloggers!

The hair alone deserves some sort of award

Transformers GIF of the Day

Drum roll, please...

Muammar Qaddafi Has The Moves and The Voice

Libyan leader, who I guess is soon to be the Libyan ex-leader, Muammar Qaddafi appears in this allegedly Israeli-made music video remix called "Zenga, Zenga".  It's ridiculous yet amusing at the same time.  Enjoy!

Eye Candy: Rodrigo Massahud

Rodrigo Massahud is a 31-year-old Brazilian model who was named "Mr. Rio Diversity" in 2010. Hat/tip to David Dust for this week's Eye Candy.

You can find more photos of Rodrigo on his Facebook page.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

2011 Oscars: The Winners

The winners of the 83rd Academy Awards have been announced. My 2011 Oscars predictions were announced earlier. This year I successfully predicted 7 of 8 in the big categories and 15 of 24 over all (20 of 24 if you count second guesses).

I was pretty happy with this year's awards. My favorite film of the year Inception won the most Oscars (four: Cinematography, Sound Editing, Sound Mixing, Visual Effects), tied with The King's Speech (Picture, Director, Actor, Original Screenplay). My hope for Best Picture was The Social Network, which won 3 Oscars (Editing, Score and Adapted Screenplay). Interestingly, Alice in Wonderland won 2 important awards (Art Direction and Costume), denying The King's Speech any kind of sweep. It was sad to see True Grit lose 10 Oscars, the most of the night, but I was glad The King's Speech lost 8, 127 Hours lost 6 and both The Fighter and The Social Network lost 5.

The biggest disappointment was Tom Hooper winning Best Director instead of David Fincher (or, hello!, Christopher Nolan), followed by Natalie Portman winning Best Actress (I wanted Annette Bening to win).
The best moment was Inception winning Best Cinematography. I still don't understand how anyone can listen to the nominated scores and think Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross' for The Social Network is better than Hans Zimmer's Inception.

Here are the 2011 Oscar winners:
Best Picture: The King's Speech (2nd: The Social Network)
Director: David Fincher (2nd: Tom Hooper)
Original Screenplay: The King's Speech (2nd:Inception)
Adapted Screenplay: The Social Network (2nd: Toy Story 3)
Actor: Colin Firth (2nd: Jesse Eisenberg )
Actress: Natalie Portman (2nd: Annette Bening)
Supporting Actress: Melissa Leo (2nd: Helena Bonham Carter)
Supporting Actor: Christian Bale (2nd: Geoffrey Rush )
Editing: Black Swan (2nd: The Social Network)
Art Direction: The King's Speech (2nd: Inception) Alice in Wonderland
Sound: Inception (2nd: The King's Speech)
Sound Editing: Inception (2nd: Toy Story 3)
Cinematography: True Grit (2nd: Inception)
Costumes: The King's Speech (2nd: Alice in Wonderland )
Documentary: Inside Job  (2nd: Exit Through The Gift Shop)
Foreign Language: Biutiful (2nd: In a Better World)
Animated Film: Toy Story 3 
Animated Short: Day & Night (2nd: Madagascar) The Lost Thing
Live Action Short: God of Love (2nd: Wish 143)
Documentary Short: The Warriors of Qiugang (2nd: Poster Girl) Strangers No More
Makeup: Wolfman
Score: Inception (2nd: The King's Speech) The Social Network
Song: "We Belong Together" (from Toy Story 3)(2nd: "Country Strong")
Visual Effects: Inception (2nd: Alice in Wonderland

Decadence in force.

can't make out the far left...but in order of decadence otherwise: Whoopi, Tilly, Goldie and Anj. at the 81st Academy Awards. Dlish.

Anjelica Hutson

by Bob Richardson

in Ever After

for Walter Albini in 1973

with Jack Nicholson at the Oscars in 1976

At her beach house in Venice for Nowness

Portait by David Bailey

She was Jack Nicholson's lover, Helmut Newton's muse, and David Bailey's enchantress...but for me, aside from her brilliant acting career (my favourite role as Morticia in the Addams Family 1991) Anjelica Huston is a fiercely amazing woman. In the '70s, Huston was the ultimate it-girl, dashing from party to party with Nicholson; today, she is one of the most respected actresses in Hollywood, a subtle, wise, and breathtaking actress. Her father is director/actor John Huston and her mum is prima ballerina Enrica (Ricki) Soma. Endowed with her father's great height and personal boldness, and her mother's beauty and aristocratic nose, Huston certainly cuts an imposing figure, and brings great confidence and authority to her performances.


My favourite blog in the world is Advanced Style and these are a couple of my favourite ladies who regularly pose for the site.

Iiona Smithkin

Tziporah Salamon

Lynn Dell - owner of Off Broadway boutique

Plus just a fun picture that came up on my dashboard...

Transformers GIF of the Day

Yes another Transformers GIF that has nothing to do with transformers!  [NOTE TO SELF: Don't ever do this to a female coworker!]

In Case You Missed It: The Phil Simms Workout (1980s)

So bad, but so good.  First of all, these guys are having way too much fun for this to be a real workout.  Secondly, they spent about five minutes introducing the guys in the video.  Anyways, this video has to be watched to believed.  Features Phil Simms, Reggie Williams, Tony Dorsett, and others.  (via Urlesque)

2011 Oscars: My Predictions for All 24 Categories

Here are my picks for all 24 categories in  the 83rd Academy Awards (2011 Oscars):
Best Picture: The King's Speech (2nd: The Social Network)
Director: David Fincher (2nd: Tom Hooper)
Original Screenplay: The King's Speech (2nd: Inception)
Adapted Screenplay: The Social Network (2nd: Toy Story 3)
Actor: Colin Firth (2nd: Jesse Eisenberg )
Actress: Natalie Portman (2nd: Annette Bening)
Supporting Actress: Melissa Leo (2nd: Helena Bonham Carter)
Supporting Actor: Christian Bale (2nd: Geoffrey Rush )
Editing: Black Swan (2nd: The Social Network)
Art Direction: The King's Speech (2nd: Inception)
Sound: Inception (2nd: The King's Speech)
Sound Editing: Inception (2nd: Toy Story 3)
Cinematography: True Grit (2nd: Inception)
Costumes: The King's Speech (2nd: Alice in Wonderland )
Documentary: Inside Job  (2nd: Exit Through The Gift Shop)
Foreign Language: Biutiful (2nd: In a Better World)
Animated Film: Toy Story 3 
Animated Short: Day & Night (2nd: Madagascar)
Live Action Short: God of Love (2nd: Wish 143)
Documentary Short: The Warriors of Qiugang (2nd: Poster Girl)
Makeup: Wolfman
Score: Inception (2nd: The King's Speech)
Song: "We Belong Together" (from Toy Story 3) (2nd: "Country Strong")
Visual Effects: Inception (2nd: Alice in Wonderland)
Last year I got 17 of 24 correct. We'll know how I did this year in a few hours....

Decadence at the Oscars

In anticipation of tonight's awards...
My favourite Oscar Bitches.

Bjork, 2001

Meryl Streep, 2010

Audrey Hepburn in Givenchy, 1954

Tilda Swinton in Lanvin, 2009

Elizabeth Taylor in 1961

Shirley Maclaine 1975

Joan Rivers - just always.

Bette Davis 1962

Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn backstage 1955

Mary Pickford in 1930

Sean Avery Heckled by Fan On The Ice

I think this happens to him alot.  Sean Avery, New York Ranger, wannabe fashion icon, slanderer of women, was recently heckled by a fan as he was leaving the ice (and a fan taped the whole thing for our amusement).  I'm amused.  "You don't have a good dental plan at work?"

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Creationism Is "Superstitious Nonsense" Lawsuit Heard

OMG this lawsuit makes me wanna holla! A public school teacher names James Corbett previously lost a federal lawsuit at the district court level for remarks he made in class that student Chad Farnan claimed violated his first amendment religious rights. Now that decision has been appealed to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals:

A Santa Ana federal judge ruled in 2009 that Corbett violated the First Amendment's establishment clause when he referred to Creationism as "religious, superstitious nonsense" during a classroom lecture.
But the judge – noting Corbett would not have necessarily known he was violating student Chad Farnan's constitutional rights – also barred the teacher from having to pay attorney fees and damages under a "qualified immunity" defense. Qualified immunity is a form of federal protection for government employees who have violated an individual's constitutional rights.
Both sides appealed the ruling to the 9th Circuit. Corbett is seeking to be vindicated; Farnan is seeking a stronger ruling against Corbett, and for Corbett's qualified immunity to be tossed out.
The 9th Circuit court, which did not make any decisions Friday, has wide discretion with this case. It can rule on any or all of the arguments presented, declare portions to be moot, and/or send the case back to the trial court.
Corbett remains in his teaching position; Farnan, who brought the lawsuit as a sophomore at Capistrano Valley High in December 2007, is now a freshman at Pepperdine University in Malibu.
The teacher also said "When you pray for divine intervention, you're hoping that the spaghetti monster will help you get what you want." This is a reference to the Flying Spaghetti Monster, an "alternative" religion. Bizarrely, Erwin Chemerinksy, who I greatly admire and is serving as the attorney for Corbett, had to argue these statements "had legitimate teaching purposes that did not promote hostility toward religion."

Kathy Griffin Is All Over The Old Spice Guy

Kathy Griffin (as some sort of publicity stint) is apparently dating Isaiah Mustafa, the Old Spice dude.  Don't believe it for one minute  Not because she's white (because he previously dated the smokin hot Neve Campbell) but because it just does not seem believable. Maybe he needs cash like the guy Kathy was dating before who stole all of her money.  Then again, Kathy probably just wants to be in the news.  So, congrats, Kathy.  You made it on the HuffPo!

Jersey Shore Season 3, Episode 9 Review: Sammi Returns

It was another chaotic week on the Jersey Shore for Snooki, Jwoww, Vinny, Pauly, Mike, Ron, and Deena.  The episode started with a flashback of when the boys kicked Snooki's new guy Jionni out of bed, in revenge for when he and his uncle came and got their niece.  Snooki decides the next morning that she can do better and calls Nick, the guy whom she almost hooked up with 3 or 4 episodes ago.  Nick agrees to hang out with her later but then stands her up.  They go to Karma that night and Vinny is all over Snooki, and it is looking like he's really into her... again.  They go back home and cuddle but then Vinny changes his mind about smooshing her because she hooked up with another guy the night before.  Meanwhile, Ron is thinking about leaving the house.  He calls his Dad to come by and talk and his Dad talks him out of leaving.  Ron calls Sam and it sounds like she's doing a heck of a lot better, although Ron obviously wants to get back together.  Mike arranges for the girls to go to the city by calling a cab to take them from the shore (and somehow manages to find a white cab driver that speaks perfect English and frankly does not really look like a cab driver at all).  More stuff happens... and Sammi comes back to the house!  The end.

Sam calls Ron on the duck phone.  Nice watch, bro.

Djokovic Beats Federer Easily For 3rd Dubai Title In A Row

Novak Djokovic continued his undefeated 2011 season to 12 matches by dispatching Roger Federer  6-3 6-3 to win his 3rd consecutive Dubai title, and 20th overall. Djokovic was very sharp from the beginning, missing only 3 first serves in the first set and outhitting the Swiss great from both wings, Although Federer held an early break to go up 3-1 in the second set, he lost 5 consecutive games to lose the match as multiple mishits flew off the racket of Federer's backhand.

Djokovic improved to 8 wins out of 21 matches against Federer and has yet to lose in 2011. I wonder who will beat him?

Transformers GIF of the Day

Yet another non-Transformers GIF.  Enjoy!

Chart of the Day: Gasoline Taxes Throughout The World

Tziporah Salamon


It was through a conference on fashion and vintage values in NYC where I met and fell in love with Tziporah Salamon. Tziporah is a canvas. Take one look at her on any ordinary day, and you will quickly realize there is nothing ordinary about her at all. The daughter of Jewish Hungarian Holocaust survivors (her father was a tailor and her mother was a gifted dressmaker), Tziporah's style developed from a young age in the form of dress up and play, through which she came to appreciate the detailing and harmony in each piece of clothing.
During her mid twenties, she came to appreciate Impressionist artworks by Monet and began to understand the layering of style - colours, textures, patterns, scale, proportions - through which she elevates the act of dressing to an art form .

Tziporah photographed for an article on Advanced Style with Patricia Field and Iris Apfel among other delicious decadent candies.

I was fortunate enough to talk with her about the art of style in her gorgeous Upper West apartment for RaraCurio. So enjoy for now, but there is plenty more of her to be featured here in future.