Monday, February 28, 2011

This Week's Celebrity Most Likely To Be A Robot: James Franco

Alright, although I did not expect him to win at the Oscars, I kind of feel bad for him, partially because the Oscar show is not being heralded as one of the best (I have to admit that I do not watch awards shows EVER, so this is all coming second hand).  So, in order to compensate Mr. Franco, we here at Robots in Masquerade (actually, it's just me) have decided to present him with our very-own award: This Week's Celebrity Most Likely To Be A Robot.  In case you were wondering, Mr. Franco, it's sort of like a Razzie.  Although your thespian abilities have improved over the years (Annapolis and Spider-Man come to mind), you are still very much qualified for this award by virtue of a history of leaden performances.  Don't worry though, we still love you even though you hate bloggers!

The hair alone deserves some sort of award