Friday, February 18, 2011

Celebrity Friday: Herman Cain, Black Republican Prez Candidate

Herman Cain has created a 2012 presidential exploratory committee
It appears that there will be more than one Black man running for President in 2012. Herman Cain, a Registered Republican and former CEO of Grandfather's Pizza chain has created a presidential exploratory committee. The Black Republican (and former Mathematics major) made waves at the recent CPAC conference by declaring "stupid people are running America" and "the American dream is under attack." He also said that "Liberals have an objective to destroy America."

Here is a sample of Mr. Cain's speech:

Interesting how what Cain claims that liberals "Shift the subject, Ignore the facts and name call." Really? Liberals ignore facts? Let's ask the leadership of Congressional Republicans and the leadership of the Congressional Democrats to answer the questions "1) How old is the Earth? 2) Did Reagan increase or decrease the national debt of the United States from the beginning to the end of his presidency? 3) Was Barack Obama born in the United States?" The answers to these questions are known facts.

I'd love to hear what Herman Cain answers to these questions are.