Thursday, February 24, 2011

Skins (US Series) Episode 6 Review

Yeah, I realize this is three days late, but, you know... Well, this week's episode is all about Abbud, the wise-cracking and lovable Muslim in the group.  The gang goes on a field trip to Canada with two of their teachers to experience a place called "High in the Wild", which is some kind of freaky eco-camp.  Of course, while at the camp they try to get high in the wild, but the have to wait for Stanley to... ahem... purge the pot that he stuck up his butt.  Meanwhile, Abbud realizes that he's in love with Tea and he thinks she feels the same way.  The creepy teacher hits a moose in the beginning of the episode and does all kinds of weird things later on like walk around the woods in the nude.  Chris finally manages to hook up with hot teacher Tina.  Abbud walks in on Tea and Tony together and flips out.  He ends up falling off of the giant pole in a fit of anger and gets carried off.  He apologizes to Tea and they both pronounce their mushy and ambiguous teen love for one another.  Awwww.  Then Abbud gets driven off by a possible ax murderer while his friends wave to him.

Abbud gets an inappropriate hug from one of his teachers