Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sarah Palin LIED and Claimed That Trig Was Her Son When He Was Actually Her Grandson

There has been a shitstorm raging on Gawker today revolving around one university professor's theory that Trig, the supposed youngest child of Sarah and Todd Palin, is actually not Sarah Palin's child at all, but her grandson and the child of Bristol.  As evidence, Dr. Scharlott provides pictures of a visibly unpregnant Palin in the weeks before the alleged pregnancy, and also reports that the hospital has no record of the child's birth, and that Sarah Palin's office staff was given no information about the pregnancy.  Maybe I'm gullible but I'm completely convinced by the reasoning here and I'm still trying to pick my jaw up off the floor because, if this is true, this is fraud on a massive scale and millions of willing Republicans fell for it.  This woman came close to becoming Vice President of the United States, people!  To quote Matt Damon, we almost gave this woman "the nuclear codes"!    What's even more awesome than the story itself is the debate raging in the comment's section of the Gawker article.  Frankly, I stopped visiting Gawker months back because they changed the design of the website (I assumed to prevent hacking), but I think I need to start Gawking again.  Holy Freaking Cow!

Is Trig really the child of Bristol, not Sarah???