Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Audrina Episodes 2/3 Recap: Corey's Back

Need your Audrina fix?  If you do, then you are in luck because two (count 'em: TWO) episodes of Audrina have aired since the premiere and they are up and available for viewing.  I have to admit it: I am addicted to Audrina and I have absolutely no problem watching back to back Audrina episodes.  Episode 2 revolved around the 26th wedding anniversary of Audrina's parents.  Audrina decided that the best way for her and her siblings to honor their parents was for each of them to write a speech and read it during the anniversary party.  During the party, Audrina created a slide show of all of the pictures of their family during the years and each of the siblings read a heartfelt speech which brought Audrina's parents to tears.  Audrina's Dad surprised his wife by giving her an empty ring box so that they could go and pick a ring together, so it would be one that she wanted.  During her Dad's thank you speech to all of their guests, Audrina's BF Corey shows up (which was totally staged).  In episode 3, we meet Kyle, the husband of Audrina's sister Casey.  He seems like a nice enough guy and he's all tatted up like her.  During a lunch date with Audrina, Audrina's Mom reveals her opinion that the family's problems with Casey all stem from Kyle attempting to isolate her.  Meanwhile, Corey is in town and he thinks Audrina is being selfish and ignoring him so Audrina plans an incredible Valentine's Day Day by arranging a skydiving trip.  Afterwards, Corey has to return to his career as a BMX racer in Australia leaving Audrina with doubts about whether or not he's the one.