Wednesday, April 27, 2011

James Franco: Actor, Writer, Painter, Douchebag

James Franco, Sit Down!

I'm not your typical ranting blogger.  I'm vain, eccentric, and am obsessed with being a martyr, but I'm too self righteous to rant because I don't feel that I necessarily need to share all of my opinions with people (since I know that I'm right and who cares about anyone else?), but I just have to devote some time to James Franco at present.  Yes, James Franco.  The possibly dyslexic, but strong jawline sporting stud who has decided to foist his "artistic talent" upon us all.  And the only reason I am blogging about this is because the administrators at Towleroad refused to post my comment that Franco "...needs to decide if he wants to be an actor, a writer, a painter, or a douchebag".  Seriously, Towleroad?  You guys will post comments where someone in their seventies says they basically want to have Henry Cavill sit on their faces, but you won't post a comment suggesting that Franco MIGHT be a douchebag?  Um... okay.  Anyways, I have no problem with a young guy (ahem... like myself) exploring his creative side, but when Towleroad revealed that Franco was planning on getting a Ph.D in creative writing (after recently announcing that he was teaching a class at NYU or Yale in painting, I forget which), well that was just too much.  Really, James Franco?

"Even this poor stuffed brown bear thinks I'm S-E-X-Y!"

I mean, who do you think you are?  Leonardo Da Vinci?  Because, guess what?  You are not Da Vinci and I would not even call you a Renaissance Man.  Yes, as much as I hate to admit it, you are excessively handsome, but does that mean that we plebs have to be constantly reminded that you believe yourself to be God's gift to humanity?  If you want to paint in your condo, that's fine, but is it really necessary for YOU to teach a class about art at NYU?  Really, douchebag?  And if you would like to write poetry about how awesome it was kissing Kirsten Dunst in Spider Man or Sean Penn in Milk, fine.  But now you have to get a Ph.D. in creative writing?  Really, douchebag?  If you're reading this, you may be thinking to yourself: "He's just jealous".  It's possible, but I don't think so.  I just think the guy needs to stay grounded.  It's one thing to think you are talented, but to assume that you have something to teach to people older and wiser than you is a little ridiculous in my book.  Really, James Franco?  Why don't you take a personal day and watch the hosting job you did at the Oscars, because plenty of people taped it and would be happy to share it with you.  To quote my new favorite website (Bossip): Ho, sit down!