Sunday, April 24, 2011

WATCH: Transgender Victim Of Violent Attack Speaks

Apparently, a white transgender woman was physically attacked by two black female teenagers in a Baltimore-area McDonald's restaurant on Saturday. Joe.My.God has posted cell-phone video of the actual attack, which shows McDonald's employees simply watching and laughing (one of whom has since been fired).

The Baltimore Sun has posted the video above with the victim, Chrissy Lee Polis, and has more details about the incident:
County police confirmed that the attack occurred April 18 in the 6300 block of Kenwood Ave. Police said the 14-year-old girl has been charged as a juvenile, while charges were pending against an 18-year-old woman. Reached Saturday, police officials said the investigation was continuing.

The police report does not provide a motive but quotes one of the suspects saying that the fight was "over using a bathroom."

Polis suffered cuts to her mouth and face, and said she had a seizure. She also acknowledged that she was intoxicated at the time of the assault.

On Saturday she said she continued to suffer from painful bruises.

Polis, who said she had a sex-change operation to become a woman, said this isn't the first time that she's been picked on physically because of her sexual identity. She said she's been subjected to beatings and even sexual assaults.

She said seeing herself all over the Internet and all over the news has been "like walking out of the closet all over again." Polis is concerned that the public attention could trigger more violence — and worries it could hurt her chances of getting a job. "I want to cry, but I need to hold my head up," she said.

Her twin brother, Matty Polis, who also lives in Baltimore, said it's been painful to watch her have to endure these sorts of attacks.

"My sister has gotten this her entire life," Matty Polis said. "Being the way she is, she's always had a hard time."
It's interesting that this incident would happen just a few weeks after the Maryland legislature punted on improving protections for transgender residents, although the legislation being considered would not have included public accommodations protections. Maryland does have a hate-crimes law inclusive of gender identity.