Saturday, June 4, 2011

In Case You Missed It: Paris Hilton Gets Filleted On The View

Paris is an infrequent subject here on Robots in Masquerade (because it's sort of "Been there, done that"), but she is the epitome of the type of celebrity that this site is dedicated to.  A plastic, empty-headed caricature of a real human being.  And yes, Paris Hilton has another reality show called The World According To Paris premiering on WE and none of us should be surprised.  I mean, she doesn't really have the skills to do anything else and "reality" (like being shipped to a farm to shovel horse dung with Nicole Ritchie) is how she became famous in the first place, so why shouldn't she go back to the basics?  Very, very basic.  Like lounging nekkid in the bathtub with the cameras rolling.  In any event, Whoopi and Barbara are rather forward with Paris, highlighting the contradictions between what she says about her life and the "reality" as depicted in the show.  Watch the clip!