Friday, May 27, 2011

NYC Mayor Gives Amazing Marriage Equality Speech

Mayor Mike Bloomberg gave a speech at Cooper Union yesterday where he strongly and passionately explained why marriage equality needs to be enacted in New York State as soon as possible. The key section is where Bloomberg demolishes all the typical reasons for not supporting marriage equality is here:
“In talking to State legislators who do not yet support marriage equality, I can sense that many of them are searching their souls for answers – and they are torn. Like all of us, they have friends and family and colleagues who are gay and lesbian. They know gay and lesbian couples who are deeply in love with each other – many of whom are loving and devoted parents, too. They know those couples yearn to be seen and treated as equal to all other couples. And they often hear from their own families – especially their children – that this is a civil rights issue. I hope they listen to their kids carefully and make them proud with their foresight and courage. 

“Now, I understand the desire by some to seek guidance from their religious teachings. But this is not a religious issue.  It is a civil issue. And that is why, under the bill proposed in Albany, no church or synagogue or mosque would be required to perform or sanction a same-sex wedding – as is the case in every state that has legalized marriage equality.

“Some faith communities would perform them; others would not. That is their right. I have enormous respect for religious leaders on both sides of the issue, but government has no business taking sides in these debates – none!

“As private individuals, we may be part of a faith community that forbids divorce or birth control or alcohol. But as public citizens, we do not impose those prohibitions on society. We may place our personal faith in the Torah, or the New Testament, or the Koran, or anything else. But as a civil society, we place our public faith in the U.S. Constitution: the principles and protections that define it, and the values that have guided its evolution. And as elected officials, our responsibility is not to any one creed or congregation, but to all citizens.

“It is my hope that members of the State Senate majority will recognize that supporting marriage equality is not only consistent with our civic principles – it is consistent with conservative principles. Conservatives believe that government should not intrude into people’s personal lives – and it’s just none of government’s business who you love!

“Conservatives also believe that government should not stand in the way of free markets and private associations – including contracts between consenting parties. And that’s exactly what marriage is: a contract, a legal bond, between two adults who vow to support one another, in sickness and in health.

“There is no State interest in denying one class of couples a right to that contract. Just the opposite, in fact. Marriage has always been a force for stability in families and communities – because it fosters responsibility. That’s why conservatives promote marriage – and that’s why marriage equality would be healthy for society, healthy for couples and healthy for children."
Many LGBT activists are upset with the Republican billionaire Republican mayor because he has previously donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the state GOP, allowing them to re-capture the majority in the State Senate, where marriage equality legislation is currently under consideration. There are 26 of 28 Democrats Senate votes in support of marriage equality but it takes 32 votes to pass in the 62-member body and the 32-member Republican caucus has a history of bottling up and killing pro-LGBT legislation.

In 2009, a marriage equality reached the floor when Democrats held the majority but failed when traitorous Democrats who had taken LGBT money promising to support marriage equality voted against the legislation, which failed 24-38.

Let's hope that 2011 things end differently and enough NewYork State Senators will realize that it is time to allow access to civil marriage to all New York families.