Thursday, May 26, 2011

La Familia de la Duquesa de Alba

Spain Week on this blog is officially over, but that doesn't mean we cannot take a closer look at the family of one of the most fascinating aristocrats in the world, Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart y Silva, Duquesa of Alba (Duchess of Alba).  The premier grandee in Spain, the Duchess of Alba is known for her colorful life, interesting and heavily-surgerized face, and great wealth.  But she, in fact, is the matriarch of one of the most important families in Spain and her children and grandchildren occasionally fall by the way side (at least in the international press) when it comes to media coverage.  Let's take a look at them, in particular three of her children and a couple of her grandchildren (as well as her new squeeze Alfonso Diez).

The whole Alba clan.

The eldest son of the Duchess, the 14th Duke of Huescar

The Duchess of Alba's daughter, the Duchess of Montoro (in the center)

The Duke of Huescar's eldest son, Fernando Fitz-James Stuart y Solis

Another grandson of the Duchess of Alba, Jacobo, the son of the 23rd Count of Siruela

The Duchess of Alba's love interest, Alfonso Diez, is 24 years her junior