Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Introducing Single Ladies: VH1's Sex And The City For Black People

Stacey Dash and her friends are also surprised at how bad the show is

Alright, I actually thought this was supposed to be a reality show when I started watching and was pretty excited to see something with Stacey Dash.  The excitement was quickly followed by a five minute face palm as this disaster of a show unfolded.  I made it through the first fifteen minutes of Single Ladies and then I picked up "War and Peace" and started reading.  The problem with the show initially appears to be the acting, but in reality, it is the poor writing which is primarily to blame.  An actor cannot do much with a poor script; the dialogue is predictable and on a junior high school level.  To be fair, first episodes (like first chapters of a book) are difficult, because the writer has to introduce new characters and a new setting in a compelling manner, but for a show like this, a strong dialogue is key.  So watch Single Ladies if you would like to hear a bunch of hormonal women talk about dating a fine young thing, while keeping a "Chocolate Trump" on the side.  Yes, it's like that.  There's even a sassy gay friend.  Can't we bring back the Clueless-era Stacey Dash?

I miss "Dionne" and her crazy hats