Actually, those boobs don't look native either, Naya (although... ahem... they are very nice)
Before anyone jumps down my throat, let me start off by saying that I do feel a twinge of guilt about giving Naya a hard time. I mean, the girl's cute and her offbeat/obnoxious personality on Glee is a departure from the usual sanitized American teenager that we see on TV. But honestly, this chick is so surgerized it's ridiculous. Watching this clip of Naya hosting the GLAAD Media Awards this weekend has put all of my doubts about her nose job to rest (read the original article on the Plastic Surgery of Naya Rivera here). I mean, C'mon. She wasn't born with that nose. And someone needs to give me a satisfactory explanation of why Naya is hosting these awards in the first place. Is it because she plays a sort-of lesbian character on a show that friends of Dorothy love? Was Chris Colfer busy? What about Jane Lynch? Was she busy too?