Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Love and Hip Hop Finale Recap: Keeping Up With The Joneses

The season finale of VH1's Love and Hip Hop has aired and, frankly, it was a little predictable.  Chrissy still doesn't really know where Jim stands on their engagement; will it be the type of engagement that stays around for five years only to end in a sudden break up?  To try and appease Chrissy, Jim takes her out for a romantic evening at a hotel, but Chrissy still seems like she wants a definite answer in terms of marriage, children, and the like.  Meanwhile, Jim's Mom is still furious that she was not involved with the proposal and calls Chrissy a "selfish bitch".  Chrissy fights back calling Mama Jones a "psychotic bitch" and things spiral down from there.  It looks like Chrissy will never quite be on good terms with the Jones family.  While all this is going on, Olivia's manager confronts Somaya and her manager Maurice about the interview Somaya gave to VladTV where she attacked Olivia, basically calling her talentless and irrelevant.  They basically go at it for a good five or ten minutes (verbally), but don't actually resolve anything.  The finale ends with Chrissy, Olivia, and Emily having a sexy sleep over where Chrissy realizes that she may have to wait for Jim to come around, while Emily realizes that she and Fab may not be meant to be together.

The sexy sleepover involved a whole lot of cleavage.