Alright, by now most of you have seen or at least heard about Lady Gaga's new video "Born This Way". Where do I begin? Let me start off by saying that I actually liked the monologue in the beginning about good and evil and I thought the styling for that part (and the entire video) was rather strong. The video falls apart, however, when Lady Gaga begins to sing. I hate to be a naysayer, but which brilliant marketing executive foisted Lady Gaga on humanity? This is the cynical pessimist speaking, but what does it say about the state of us, as Man, when this creature is considered to be talented and culturally important? Why am I so vehement? Because somewhere out there a great composure, musician, or vocalist of some sort is living in their car or begging for handouts while Lady Gaga is bathing in her millions for dressing up like an alien and grabbing her crotch. Anyway, just watch the video.