Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"Impossible Dreams"

My doctoral student B. J. Keeton recommended this story by Tim Pratt.

A cinephile named Pete discover a mysterious video store from an alternative universe that appears in our reality only for briefer and briefer periods near closing time. As he becomes more-than-friends with the clerk, Ally, Peter discovers the store's amazing, not from our reality, collection.

*I, Robot, not starring Will Smith, from a script by Harlan Ellison
*the director's cut of The Magnificent Ambersons, including Orson Welles' long missing footage
*The Terminator, with O. J. Simpson as the killer cyborg and Arnold Schwarzenegger as Kyle Reese
*Orson Welles' Jason and the Argonauts
*Return of the Jedi--directed by David Lynch
*A sequel to The Breakfast Club: The Lunch Bunch
*a number of films by the greatest of all woman directors, Sara Hansen
*Tim Burton's The Death of Superman, starring Nicholas Cage as the Man of Steel
*Casablanca, starring George Raft
*Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark with Tom Selleck as Indy
*a John Wayne film about the ground invasion of Japan that ended WWII
*Stanley Kubrick's (not Steven Spielberg's) Artificial Intelligence

All of these films, of course, have some basis in fact. That wife-murdering former star football player was considered for the role of The Terminator. Welles' post-Kane film was mangled by the studio. Kubrick did plan to make AI but did not live long enough and asked the often schmaltzy Spielberg to take it on. The US considered invading Japan but opted for dropping atomic bombs instead.

In the end, Pete gets the girl and they settle down to watch Citizen Kane, which does not exist in her reality.