Wednesday, March 23, 2011

RIP Elizabeth Taylor, you decadent bitch.

"But I nearly died quite a few times. Nearly dying was my specialty. That has to count for something, doesn't it?"

Waking up to the news this morning that Elizabeth Taylor had lost her battle to prevailing ailments has certainly put a dampner on the day. I haven't posted anything since being busy with LMFF and the graduate collection proposals, but today is all about the memory and legacy left by Liz. R.I.P, you decadent bitch.

By Richard Avedon, 1964

Elizabeth was thrown into fame though her role as Priscilla in Lassie Come Home when she was 14 years old, and held a prominent acting career for some sixty years receiving numerous accolades and titles including five Best Actresses nominations and two Oscar awards for her performances.
Aside from her acting career, however, Liz Taylor is probably better known and liked for the "frills, pills and thrills" of her personal life, which was highly publicized (she even holds the record for the most appearances on the cover of Life Magazine). Between 8 marriges (well, 2 to Richard Burton), the high life, and numerous medical procedures, she often said survival was her middle name "I've appeared in more theatres than Dame Nellie Melba on her farewell tour. Unfortunately, mine have all been operating theatres". In 30 years, she had more than 37 operations, including the removal of a benign brain tumour, congestive heart failure, and hip-joint replacements.

Her relationship with two time husband Richard Burton was a tempestuous as it was enriching. Together they made 11 films — including the memorable Virginia Woolf, an admired production of The Taming of the Shrew, and some others best forgotten — and achieved a kind of corporate notoriety.

25 years after his death, Dame Elizabeth Taylor was asked if she would marry Burton again if that were possible - "In a heartbeat," she replied. She apparently died with his photo by her bedside.