Thursday, March 31, 2011

What Is This Disaster Called Beverly Hills Fabulous?

I had to say that.  Actually this show is hysterical, even though the whole time you're thinking "Why do these people have a show?"  Seriously, where is my show?  Basically, Beverly Hills Fabulous, now on its third episode, revolves around Elgin Charles who owns a fashionable hair salon in Beverly Hills.  His hairdressers include Sean, a flamboyant young man with blond hair (see picture below), the big and beautiful Lolita, and others.  In this episode, Elgin goes to a community center to inspire the young kids with his story of his journey from the backwoods in Texas to find success and he leaves Sean in charge of the salon while he's gone.  While Elgin is gone, the health inspector arrives unannounced to inspect the boutique.  Meanwhile one of Lolita's clients (a bride to be) has arrived with her entourage and they are drinking champagne and making a mess in the adjacent salon.  Sean runs over to tell them to stop and to clean the place, and Elgin arrives just in the nick of time to supervise.  In the end, the health inspector announces that the salon has passed inspection, but Sean is furious that Elgin showed up because he sees this as an indication that Elgin doesn't trust him.  They get into a huge fight and it looks like Elgin's initial happiness that Sean saved the day will be superseded by his fury and Sean's "insubordination".  Sean storms out.  The end.  Honestly, this show is better than "Love and Hip Hop" because the characters are more interesting, but I have a feeling that this show will fizzle out pretty quickly.  I guess anyone can get a "reality" show these days.

Sean and Elgin during their heated argument