Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Classic Anime of the Week: Ronin Warriors (1988)

Ronin Warriors was distributed in the USA by Bandai Entertainment

Known in Japan as Samurai Troopers, Ronin Warriors was originally aired in Japan on Nagoya Television from 1988 to 1989 and was based on a manga about warriors facing an evil dynasty from the Netherworld. The show was introduced into the United States a few years later and I clearly remember being late to school in the mid-90s because I would stick around and watch this show, which I think aired on local TV in NY at 7AM.  Ronin Warriors was the tale of Ryo, his tiger White Blaze, and his friends who used their samurai armor and special powers to prevent the conquest of Earth by the demon lord Talpa and his henchmen from a dark netherworld.  Ronin Warriors combined high quality animation with exciting fight sequences and characters that it was easy to become attached to.  This was the time when Japanese anime was just beginning to become mainstream and recognizable to American audiences and Ronin Warriors is an excellent representative of the strongest of the series that emerged from this era.  Honestly, it is almost akin to a Sailor Moon for boys.  There are DVDs of the 39 episodes of the series floating around and this anime is highly, highly recommended.