Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Breast Obsessed Model Sheyla Hershey in Coma After Drug Overdose

A breast-obsessed Brazilian model is in a coma after an overdose, her second suicide attempt in two months, according to the Daily Mail.  Sheyla Hershey has had over thirty cosmetic procedures, including ten specifically on her breasts, but had to have her triple K breast implants removed because of a severe infection last year.  Doctors were concerned that if the implants were not removed, the infection might lead to sepsis and threaten Hershey's life.  According to one source, Hershey had two implants IN EACH BREAST in order to achieve the enormous bust size that she desired.  After the implants were removed, US doctors refused to replace them with new silicon implants as it, apparently, is against the law to place more than one gallon of silicone in each breast, which is what Ms. Hershey wanted.  With her breasts much smaller than she desired, Hershey has had difficulty coping with life (suggesting a diagnosis of Body Dysmorphic Disorder) and allegedly attempted suicide this week by overdose.  She currently is in a coma in a hospital in Texas.  Hershey has a two-year old son. (via Daily Mail).

Sheyla Hershey prior to breast reduction last year due to infection