Tuesday, April 12, 2011

POLL: New Yorkers Support Marriage Equality 58%-36%

Great news from New York! A new Siena College poll shows a clear super-majority support for marriage equality in the Empire State. Click on the image above to see the details of the poll internals but almost every single demographic supports equal marriage rights for same-sex couples in New York (Democrats, Independents, Men, Women, African-Americans, Latinos, White, etc). The only groups to oppose marriage equality are Protestants (41-50), Republicans (45-48) and  55+ Seniors (45-46).

Freedom To Marry's Evan Wolfson says:
This latest poll reporting that a super-majority of New Yorkers supports the freedom to marry shows New Yorkers get it.  Now it's time for the state Senate to do it.

New Yorkers understand that ending marriage discrimination helps families while hurting no one, that New York needs to lead in treating all people fairly.  Freedom to Marry is working closely with Governor Cuomo, legislative leaders, and our partner organizations to end marriage discrimination here this spring, and whether through phone calls, legislative visits, or conversations that prompt more people to take action, now is the time for everyone to pitch in and win New York.
The New York State Senate killed a marriage equality bill in December 2009 when Democrats had a 2-vote majority. Now the Republicans hold the majority but have promised a vote on the bill, even though the entire Republican caucus voted against the marriage equality bill last time (along with 8 treacherous Democrats, several of whom have been defeated in primaries or left the State Senate due to their own criminality and venality).