Monday, April 11, 2011

MD Gender Identity Bill Killed By 6 Traitorous Democrats

For the second time in a few weeks, a huge priority of the LGBT community has been killed by the Maryland legislature. Previously it was HB 175, the marriage equality bill, and today it was HB 235, the gender identity non-discrimination bill.

From Equality Maryland:


Equality Maryland thanks supporters for the significant progress made in 2011 and vows to keep up the fight for full protections

Annapolis, Maryland, April 11, 2011 - Today, led by Sen. DeGrange, the Senate referred House Bill 235, the Gender Identity Anti-Discrimination Act, back to the Judicial Proceedings Committee by a vote of 27-20, effectively ending efforts to pass vital protections in housing, employment, and credit for transgender Marylanders.

Senators Kasemeyer (D-12), Klausmeier (D-8), McFadden (D-45), Middleton (D-28), Robey (D-13) and Zirkin (D-11) were expected to support ending discrimination based on gender identity in housing, employment, and credit, but voted instead to recommit the anti-discrimination bill. 
Equality Maryland's Executive Director, Morgan Meneses-Sheets:
"Six Senators who committed to support HB 235 took a walk on justice and fairness today and turned their backs on the most vulnerable members of our community.  We are appalled that lawmakers continue to play politics with much needed protections for the transgender community.  
We must not forget all the positive strides we accomplish as a community this year overcoming significant hurdles, including getting this legislation out of the Senate Rules Committee.  Supporters of this critical legislation made hundreds of phone calls and sent thousands of emails to their legislators. Countless members of the transgender community shared their very personal stories of discrimination.  We are grateful to them for their courage and to every supporter who made their voice heard on this important bill.

Equality Maryland remains committed to fighting against discrimination and injustice targeting the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community at every turn.  Progress takes time.  Today's result was not fair or right, but we will keep up the fight to make the Free State truly free." 
Equality Maryland is Maryland's largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) civil rights group, with thousands of members across the entire state. Equality Maryland includes: a 501(c)(4) advocacy organization that lobbies in Annapolis and across the state to create equal protection under the law for LGBT Marylanders and their families; a 501(c)(3) educational foundation that works to eliminate prejudice and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity through outreach, education, research, community organizing, training and coalition building; and Equality Maryland PAC, which exists to influence elections. For more information, visit