Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Grandma Protests Against Abercrombie and Fitch In Orange County

I don't think this lady shops at Abercrombie, but she has balls.

This is interesting.  Read the woman's sign in the image below.  This OC grandmother protests Abercrombie and Fitch's sexualization of young people at South Coast Plaza.  Abercrombie Kids' line of bikinis for young children caused controversy when it was first made available for purchase on the online store.  This is a complex issue in my opinion.  Overall, American culture is becoming increasingly sexualized and I don't know that blaming Abercrombie is accurate or solves anything.  That's like blaming Kim Kardashian for the reality television phenomenon.  She's more a reflection of the times than she is the cause.  Let's face it, in a country made up of consumers where the only thing that matters is the bottom line and making the sale, it's not surprising that stores are going to give in to the trend if they think it'll sell. Sex sells.  I'm sure it costs Abercrombie and Fitch two dollars to make these bikinis and they turn around and sell them for $24.95.  And guess what?  People are buying their products so unless the government steps in and says "no this is wrong", why shouldn't they do it?  Why do Americans (and this is an American speaking) expect amorphous giant corporations to have morals?  It's a corporation.  All they care about is profit.  (via OC Register via Racked LA)

Buy your children bikinis at abercrombie kids