Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Don't Mess With The Mexican Vampire Mother

Maria Hose Cristerna, the Vampire Mother, at a tattoo conference in Monterrey, CA yesterday.

Just when you thought you had seen everything, something comes around that makes you drop your coffee and head over to Orbitz to buy a one way ticket to a planet far, far away from Earth.  Maria Hose Cristerna is a tattoo artist in Mexico and a mother of four.  She calls herself the "Vampire Mother" according to the Daily Mail.  I think you can see why based on these photos from a tattoo conference yesterday.  Move over Akasha Queen of the Vampires.  The Vampire Mother is giving you a run for your money.  I don't know, I'm torn.  I am always in favor of "doing you" and being yourself and not letting anyone tell you how to live, but this is a bit much.  Ms. Cristerna has titanium horn implants against her skull and actually would like to get more in the back.  Clearly, she also has dental fang implants and a body covered in tattoos.  Honestly, I am guessing this woman's kids "ain't afraid of sh%t" with a Mama like that walking around the house.