Saturday, April 9, 2011

AD-45: Luis Lopez Fundraiser TODAY in Silver Lake

My friend Luis Lopez is running to represent the 45th Assembly District (in which I live) that is being vacated when Gil Cedillo is termed out next year. Luis is an open;y gay Latino "homegrown progressive" and has strong labor bona fides as intrepid lesbian reporter Karen Ocamb details at LGBT POV.
Teachers, nurses, long-term care workers, community allies–the whole labor family–converged on First AME in Los Angeles on Monday, April 4, to rally together in support of Wisconsin workers and to show strength in numbers in California.
The environment was buzzing and filled with familiar faces–young and old–representing the rich diversity in race, ethnicity, immigration status, and language that are Los Angeles and California.
This rally’s message echoed the recent march downtown, where I added my voice with several thousand California voters and the sounds of protest chants and high-school bands. We spoke then and reiterated in church on Tuesday that California must not and will not become Wisconsin. In both states, community leaders and elected officials need to heed the public outcry and the economic evidence: collective bargaining, public education, affordable healthcare and higher education, and reliable pensions are the backbones of a strong middle class. These proven tools of America’s strength need to be upgraded and renewed, not undermined or reversed.
Luis has a fundraiser this afternoon at Le Barcito in Silver Lake. Please support him!