Friday, January 28, 2011

Celebrity Friday: Sabrina McKenna, openly lesbian Hawaii Sup Ct nominee

Sabrina McKenna, 53, is the first openly gay person
nominated to the Hawaii Supreme Court
Great news out of Hawaii! Democratic Governor Neil Abercrombie has nominated Sabrina Shizue McKenna, an openly lesbian Sate Trial Court judge, to that state's 5-member highest court.

The Star Adviser reports:

In making his first judicial nomination, Gov. Neil Abercrombie called the appointment "the most important decision" in his career.
"This appointment sets the course for the state and its legal direction for the next several years," he said. "I'm completely confident that Judge McKenna's appointment will be something I'm proud of for the rest of my life."
McKenna would be the first openly gay member of the Hawaii Supreme Court.
McKenna's sexual orientation was not brought up during the ceremonies, but she said that all judges bring to the bench their own personal experiences.
"I would like to believe that because of my background and my life experiences, I bring sensitivity to those who may not have been born into a life of privilege, a sensitivity to those whose life circumstances make it difficult for them to conform with all of society's expectations," she said.
"I try to bring compassion to the court."
She later said she was not only referring to her sexual orientation, but her gender and her upbringing in Japan by her mother after her father died when she was 9.
McKenna said the significance of being the first openly gay member on the court would be that it could give "hope to people who feel that they cannot succeed" because of a variety of reasons, including being gay.

California currently has an imminent vacancy on its 7-member state Supreme Court. Colorado and Oregon are the only other states with openly gay Justices currently. Congratulations to Hawaii!

Hat/tip to Joe.My.God